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Today, I submitted two CC applications. Both are vKyc done and awaiting approval/ rejection messages.
I just applied for Yes Bank Elite+ LTF plus LTF Rupay (additionally offered) a few minutes ago. I just finished vKyc. (No docs were asked.) The CC application process took a total of 20 minutes. I'm Taking Badla of GF. By the way, GF activated my neon annual subscription without the card. I deleted the app in anger. I don't need their 5%.
The Indusind CC Application of Legend LTF took 45 minutes to complete (including 25 minutes waiting for vKyc). On the spot, it offered me the second-highest Credit limit (out of the 12 cards I already have)
My sole objective at the moment is to get some PLCC offers and reduce my CC limit utilization (currently 33 - 45%). My current unsecured loan is ~45-60 Lacs (to be paid in 2-3 years).
Which banks are currently (March, 2025) offering CC for NTB customers without documents / address verification based on cibil record basis? 1. IDFC
2. Indusind
Based on input in the comments section...
3. SBI (input)
4. ICICI 5. Yes
6. Axis (?)
7. ?