1st best card - IDFC Firstap RuPay Platinum DC - Reward rate depend on your acc variant - normal, select, wealth, private.
2.5% value on CC bill payment through phonepe, freecharge, canara setu.
Also welcome reward 2k to 20k (depend on acc variant).
You can also use for RuPay Platinum DC Amazon friday offer.
Full info - https://www.technofino.in/community...k-launched-its-debit-card-reward-system.7394/
2nd best - SBI Virtual RuPay DC (lifetime free) is also good because you will get 1% value back but remember, you need to wait 2-3 months to get full 1% value back.
You can also pay Amex CC and SCB CC bill through billdesk and get 1% value (SBI Virtual RuPay DC).
SBI Physical RuPay DC - 0.5% value back.
3rd best is BOI RuPay Platinum DC. You can also use for RuPay Platinum DC Amazon friday offer.
No extra charges for RuPay variant on Phonepe and Freecharge.