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Bank offering best forex rate


TF Buzz
Hi, I have some money in USD (~2000) in my US stock broker account, and I want to wire transfer the amount to Indian bank account. Which bank will offer the best forex rate for this purpose? I only have account at IDFC but I'm open to opening an account wherever I get the best rates.
Hi, I have some money in USD (~2000) in my US stock broker account, and I want to wire transfer the amount to Indian bank account. Which bank will offer the best forex rate for this purpose? I only have account at IDFC but I'm open to opening an account wherever I get the best rates.
Indian Overseas Bank/PNB
Hi, I have some money in USD (~2000) in my US stock broker account, and I want to wire transfer the amount to Indian bank account. Which bank will offer the best forex rate for this purpose? I only have account at IDFC but I'm open to opening an account wherever I get the best rates.
I am not sure about whether it will work with Stock Broker or not, so you need to do your research, but you can look into Wise. They have really good exchange rates. I use it personally as well as for my Pvt. Ltd.
Needs basic understanding....

1. 2000 USD means 1.6L INR.

2. All banks have a CARD RATE and a FINER RATE. Card rate is used for low value trxns. Finer rates are for large trxns - usually 5L (or 10L or more depending on each bank's policy). Finer rate is given for a particular trxn n can't be used for other trxns. It is also customer dependent.

3. Card rate is for all trxns in a day - across All fore dealing branches of a bank - finer rate given by their FD - Foriegn Dept or Treasury Dept by their own Dealer.

4. Depending upon the value, customer, currency, time n type of trxn, the finer rate is decided by the bank's Dealer.

Based on the above, for a paltry sum of 2000 USD - you will get only the applicable card rate.
I worked in SBI's Forex Exclusive Overseas Branch at Visakhapatnam for 4 years - handled all.
Imports - HSL - hindustan shipyard Ltd - each bill in millions of USD.
Exports - MMTC - ship loads of iron ore - again in millions.
Remittances - all other customers - marine, industrial, NRI, students, Travellers......
Others - Bank Guarantees, Bid Bonds,

Daily, we used to do around 700-900 trxns - all in FOREX. No domestic trxns.
Additionally, I was handling Card Rates Calculation based on the mid-day rates of our Singapore OBU and the Bank's overall Forex net position - obtained from our FD Calcutta.

And, also handling Correspondent Relations with 117 international banks - TO MANUALLY authenticate trxns with them by using highly Confidential Test Keys.
Hi, I have some money in USD (~2000) in my US stock broker account, and I want to wire transfer the amount to Indian bank account. Which bank will offer the best forex rate for this purpose? I only have account at IDFC but I'm open to opening an account wherever I get the best rates.
Open a Resident foreign currency account for the long term to avoid fx conversion charges
I suggest as under.
Get back 2K USD by wire trfr.
Convert into INR.
Keep it as a FD. Get 8-9% interest.
Take any credit card against it. Enjoy rewards or cashback.
The above is assured way.

But, if you intend to travel abroad shortly, keep it as it is. You will not get the above benefits - but may gain if USD goes up. Remember, that It might go down also.

You choose.
I suggest as under.
Get back 2K USD by wire trfr.
Convert into INR.
Keep it as a FD. Get 8-9% interest.
Take any credit card against it. Enjoy rewards or cashback.
The above is assured way.

But, if you intend to travel abroad shortly, keep it as it is. You will not get the above benefits - but may gain if USD goes up. Remember, that It might go down also.

You choose.
Well said. High%FD+CreditCard+Cashback.
Nobody can top this offer benefits.