BoB is now offering Snapdeal Rupay Variant with 0 JF & 0 AF as an additional card. No physical card will be sent though. Earlier Easy Rupay was offering as LTF as an additional card.
Additional card only shows engernie card as ltf in the app.. however it has only 2rp/100 per spend which is not suitable for me hence not applying for now..
So I have Eterna currently.. i mailed them to provide snapdeal card as floater card however they mentioned I dont have snapdeal offer currently... Anyone have any other idea how I can get this card..?
Additional card only shows engernie card as ltf in the app.. however it has only 2rp/100 per spend which is not suitable for me hence not applying for now..
Is the Easy and Snapdeal Rupay cards only for existing users?
I don't have & never had any relationship with BoB.
Can I install bob world and just try?
Is the Easy and Snapdeal Rupay cards only for existing users?
I don't have & never had any relationship with BoB.
Can I install bob world and just try?