Latest MITC (Ver 2.5, Mar 2025)
Please refer to Section II, Para K, Page 23 of latest MITC (i.e. Ver 2.5 dated Mar 2025, available
It states, "Infinia, Infinia (Metal Edition): Complimentary priority pass membership for Primary and add-on card holders with unlimited lounge access for priority pass card holder."
Only the card validation charges will be applicable, as per Section I, Para iii, k, Page 8), which states that,
"₹2 will be charged on the Credit Card and the same shall not be reversed by the bank (All variants except MasterCard).
₹25 will be charged and made void at the POS terminal (Applicable for MasterCard variant), which means that the transaction is cancelled by the merchant before it settles through your credit card account and hence it will not appear on your credit card statement.
Rs. 2 will be charged and made void at the POS terminal for MasterCard variant from 1st January 2024 onwards."
So, unlimited complimentary lounge visits are possible on Infinia Priority Passes.
Only card validation charges will be deducted/reimbursed, as applicable, as quoted above.
Hope this helps.