EDITI don't know how @drsel came up with the satement of Rs6,800 loss from 2nd year onwards for Marquee...
Are his maths going worng these days?
Mate, Are you wrong or am I wrong in this case..
Look at my post regarding Marquee JF and AF Recovery matrix..
Accroding to my Calcs , the loss from 2nd year onwards varies between Rs 900 to 2,900 depending upon the choce of redemption..
and if we include the profit from the first year fee,
Marquee is 4 year free( 4YF) in the best case scenario...
View attachment 62264
For YES CC Rewardz Redemption details , Please see here...
Yes Bank MARQUEE Credit Card
As you guys already know, YES Bank is revamping their CC protfolio recently , I took a dive and got their latest offering "MARQUEE" CC in the Premium segment ..
I am NTB to Yes bank until now...
I actually liked the name of the card and also its physical appearance.. very appealing looks ...
I got the card mainly for its Unlimited International Lounge Access...
- international international lounge lounge lounge access marquee yes yes bank yes bank credit card yes marquee
- Replies: 2,278
- Forum: New Credit Card Launch & Related News
Thanks I didn't realise the second year fee was only 5900
I thought it was 11800 every year
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