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iScore ICICI - impact on pre-approved offers and credit & loan Limits


TF Pioneer
VIP Lounge
iScore by ICICI

This discussion is to understand what is an iScore by ICICI which appears in iMobile App under " Discove" tab for SB account holders
its impact on pre-approved offers and their limits..​

What is iScore?

iScore is an internal/proprietary score score provided by ICICI Bank to its customers, on the basis of their transactions in the physical and digital world.
Before we go on to the details of how it is calculated , let us see its uses from customer perspective based on my observations:

1) iScore - its impact on Credit card pre approved offers
( Very minor role as of now, but could play a considerable role in future)..

iScore is not playing a siginificatnt role in triggering pre-approved credit card offers yet.. but in future it may be considered with some greate importance depending upon how ICICI wants to take this forward ..
I found only one instance where low iScore had resulted in no pre-approved offers for a customer.. ..in the following case..
complete details are here in this thread..

What it essentially means, iScore is playing some part in triggering pre-approved CC offers , albiet a very minor role as of now..


2) Significant role in Crdit limits on products like Credit card, Home Loan, Personal Loan , Auto loan etc.

This is where the plot thickens.. I have found quite a significant co-relation between iScore and limits offered on various Credit / Loan products ..
The higher the iScore the higher the limits offered.....

3) Essentially iScore is useful for limits offered on differnt pre-approved loans largely and to credit card limits to some extent ...

Now.. We will go into the academics of iScore,
What is an iScore, how it is built, how to improve, what are the different slabs, etc..
Here I am providing allt he screenshots of these FAQ's taken directly from iMobile App...
It is quite easy to understand...

Some basic details of iSocre..

1) This is available under " Discover " tab in iMobile app.
2) The customer had to hold a SB account to see thid option
3) In the first screen it will show your score..
4) You will find a button there to find out " how to improve your iScore?" .. these options are customized according to the cutomer's current profile..
Basically they want us to use thier different ICICI products..

Tip: Try to use as many products as possible with the least amount of cashoutflow.. the trick is we need to use different prodcuts offerd by ICICI and make sure they are not forced spending on our part. and still try to cover maxmium products with least amuont of outflow..
for eg. regularly we can use some token pre-paid recharge ( load Rs10 into mobile's main balance), a few payments thru QR scan etc...
This way I kept my iScore at 90 at one point of time...
Like this you can find your own spend types..

You can find your iScore( for SBA holders) under " Discover " in iMobile App..
Scroll down to the bottom in the " Discover" tab.





Now FAQ's part






My Old iScore Screeshot: found in this thread..


My Pre-approved credit limits offered on different loans based on my

1) 24L income recorded as per ICICI records
2) current iScore of 80, ( before 90)

1. Home Loan : 95L
2. Auto Loan : 50L
3. Two Wheeler Loan: 4.10 L
4.Loan against Property : 80L
5. Loan against comeercial property: 80L



Now, Let us do some collobarative research on this topic to establish some facts based on my above observations...
Share your profile, iScore, your pre approved offers, its limits etc.. your expereince and observations ..

I believe , this will definitely help in understanding how ICICI triggers its pre-approved offers and limits going into the future...

Imprtant Note: If you have very high income (ITR) and a very good CIBIL, and have availed decent amount of credit products from ICICI, then iScore's role is negligible in your pre-approved Credit card offers.. Actually some of these factors will contirbute to the high iScore itself and there by good offers...
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TF Buzz
Thanks for creating the post my first full-fledged bank account was ICICI and I was always curious to know what is this iScore.
Here is my profile:
I opened my savings account online in January by selecting student on onboarding and for income, I guess whatever is the minimum, I selected that. Then i September they offered me HPCL Coral LTF, although I asked the branch and cc to give me Coral LTF instead of HPCL.. since this was my first unsecured card with a limit of 60k and LTF, I took it and then exactly after 30 days they gave me Coral Rupay LTF. Then soon in January, they offered LE to 95k and before that my application to ICICI platinum (got a call from their sales team that it is pre-approved) got rejected and after that, APay was also rejected.
In March I got an option to generate an APay card instantly took that and after 20 days they offered LE on Coral Rupay to 2.1 lakhs which of course was shared afterward.

And I was monitoring my iScore, it used to drop whenever I made a huge cash-out either from SB or CC. And the preapproved offers I'm getting from September last year but whenever I take any new product, all offers vanish and appear after 2-3 months with the same limit currently also my pre-approved offers refreshed a few weeks back with again the same limit.
My pre-approved offers
CC upgrade to Sapphiro Dual paid
MMT paid
Manchester card paid
Pay later - 23k
Personal Loan - 3.2L
Home loan (fluctuates from 31 to 44L)
Auto loan - 15.7L
Education loan - 5L
Property loan - 23L
Loan against mutual fund - 1Crore
Two-wheeler - 90k
Consumer EMI - 90k

PS: I don't know why they are showing very very high limits to me.


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TF Pioneer
VIP Lounge
Thanks for creating the post my first full-fledged bank account was ICICI and I was always curious to know what is this iScore.
Here is my profile:
I opened my savings account online in January by selecting student on onboarding and for income, I guess whatever is the minimum, I selected that. Then i September they offered me HPCL Coral LTF, although I asked the branch and cc to give me Coral LTF instead of HPCL.. since this was my first unsecured card with a limit of 60k and LTF, I took it and then exactly after 30 days they gave me Coral Rupay LTF. Then soon in January, they offered LE to 95k and before that my application to ICICI platinum (got a call from their sales team that it is pre-approved) got rejected and after that, APay was also rejected.
In March I got an option to generate an APay card instantly took that and after 20 days they offered LE on Coral Rupay to 2.1 lakhs which of course was shared afterward.

And I was monitoring my iScore, it used to drop whenever I made a huge cash-out either from SB or CC. And the preapproved offers I'm getting from September last year but whenever I take any new product, all offers vanish and appear after 2-3 months with the same limit currently also my pre-approved offers refreshed a few weeks back with again the same limit.
My pre-approved offers
CC upgrade to Sapphiro Dual paid
MMT paid
Manchester card paid
Pay later - 23k
Personal Loan - 3.2L
Home loan (fluctuates from 31 to 44L)
Auto loan - 15.7L
Education loan - 5L
Property loan - 23L
Loan against mutual fund - 1Crore
Two-wheeler - 90k
Consumer EMI - 90k

PS: I don't know why they are showing very very high limits to me.
Thanks for sharing your detailed data..
They are offering high limits because of your activity and high iScore..
You will get your CL on Apay CC to more than 4L in short term.. keep doing whatever you are doing now
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Ak Singh

TF Ace
Thanks for creating the post my first full-fledged bank account was ICICI and I was always curious to know what is this iScore.
Here is my profile:
I opened my savings account online in January by selecting student on onboarding and for income, I guess whatever is the minimum, I selected that. Then i September they offered me HPCL Coral LTF, although I asked the branch and cc to give me Coral LTF instead of HPCL.. since this was my first unsecured card with a limit of 60k and LTF, I took it and then exactly after 30 days they gave me Coral Rupay LTF. Then soon in January, they offered LE to 95k and before that my application to ICICI platinum (got a call from their sales team that it is pre-approved) got rejected and after that, APay was also rejected.
In March I got an option to generate an APay card instantly took that and after 20 days they offered LE on Coral Rupay to 2.1 lakhs which of course was shared afterward.

And I was monitoring my iScore, it used to drop whenever I made a huge cash-out either from SB or CC. And the preapproved offers I'm getting from September last year but whenever I take any new product, all offers vanish and appear after 2-3 months with the same limit currently also my pre-approved offers refreshed a few weeks back with again the same limit.
My pre-approved offers
CC upgrade to Sapphiro Dual paid
MMT paid
Manchester card paid
Pay later - 23k
Personal Loan - 3.2L
Home loan (fluctuates from 31 to 44L)
Auto loan - 15.7L
Education loan - 5L
Property loan - 23L
Loan against mutual fund - 1Crore
Two-wheeler - 90k
Consumer EMI - 90k

PS: I don't know why they are showing very very high limits to me.
Which type of transaction you did in last month(may).

Your iscore rose significantly in one month from 60 to 84 in June. Straightaway 24 points jump.

And your income range updated in icici profile?
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TF Select
VIP Lounge
1. ICICI has selected 20-35 L as my income range.
2. More than 13 year old account.
3. Have LTF Coral with shared limit of 6.5L with Amazon LTF. Funnily, while checking now, got a LE to 7.8L and took it.
4. Am getting Emerald at full price of 12k. Screenshot_20240623-062830.png Screenshot_20240623-062919~2.png

Screenshot_20240623-062413.png Screenshot_20240623-062358.png


TF Buzz
Thanks for sharing your detailed data..
They are offering high limits because of your activity and high iScore..
You will get your CL on Apay CC to more than 4L in short term.. keep doing whatever you are doing now
Then after getting the LE, how do I get a 0 MAB account?


TF Buzz
Which type of transaction you did in last month(may).

Your iscore rose significantly in one month from 60 to 84 in June. Straightaway 24 points jump.

And your income range updated in icici profile?
I spent a lot in May as compared (higher than usual) with ATM withdrawals(the first time this year), UPI payments, and UPI on my Rupay card, and also used APay CC for a lot of transactions.

Yes, it rose the way it dropped.

How to check my income range, I guess I might have selected the lease as I was a student at that time.


TF Premier
VIP Lounge
I am an ICICI Account Holder more than 10-15+ years and once also had a salaried account with them. I am a privilege account holder but didn't see my iScore until today. Updated my profile and latest salary details and got an iScore of 88 as this account only has spare money and doesn't use it. The only outflow is from my apay cc.
Currently I am only having 1L CL in ICICI Apay CC and no LTF Card upgrade offers.
What should I do for getting atleast good CL.

P.S. - My other cards with HDFC, Axis, IDFC, HSBC all have limits upwards of 5L
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TF Premier
VIP Lounge
I don't think the ISCORE matters much.

The matter of fact that my score dropped from 95 to 73.(Jan 2024 to now), but the pre-approval offers either increased and stayed the same. I got to know about the score with this post only.

Home lone : Increased from 2.6 Cr to 3.4 Cr
Car loan: Stayed same at 0.75 Cr
Credit limit of CC : Got increase offer from 25L to 32L

Please note that this is my wealth salary account and no increase in salary from Jan to now.

So I would suggest don't over analyse these marketing gimmicks. I think this has either no or very weak correlation.

PS: I read in the thread that some are doing SIP to increase the score. I hope they are doing direct MF not ICICI regular MF.


TF Pioneer
VIP Lounge
I don't think the ISCORE matters much.

The matter of fact that my score dropped from 95 to 73.(Jan 2024 to now), but the pre-approval offers either increased and stayed the same. I got to know about the score with this post only.

Home lone : Increased from 2.6 Cr to 3.4 Cr
Car loan: Stayed same at 0.75 Cr
Credit limit of CC : Got increase offer from 25L to 32L

Please note that this is my wealth salary account and no increase in salary from Jan to now.

So I would suggest don't over analyse these marketing gimmicks. I think this has either no or very weak correlation.

PS: I read in the thread that some are doing SIP to increase the score. I hope they are doing direct MF not ICICI regular MF.

Thanks for sharing the data and your observations. It really helps in understanding where iScore play a role/ where it wont.

Some observations with regard to this :

  1. iScore may not be not the sole factor in determinthe pre-approved offers in some cases. As I mentioned earlier in my first post at the bottom, there may be some over -riding factors.. In youe case it is, Wealth Salary account.
  2. For the increased / decreased iScore to come into effect it will take some time .. means it will have lagging effect, not immediate effect. Still there will be some over- riding factors at play in some cases.. If you have some very strong customer profile elements in the profile, these fluctuations in iScore wont have significant impact on offers and limits. Take for example, CIBIL score fluctuating between 770 to 800 will not have much relevance provided the underling fundamental factors are positive.ly conributing to the favourable decision ...
  3. Wealth accounts ( Welath private ie. GPC > Wealth Select > Wealth.. and also Wealth Salary > Wealth Savings) have higher chances of having increased offers / limits over the time.. The fluctuations in iScore happens because of the trasacntional activities in the customer profile.. I too had an iScore of 90 last year but my pre-approved offers limits have increased by 50% even though my score is dropped to 80 now.. My account is Welath normal. If I have Welath Salary like yours my limits would be doubled straight away


TF Pioneer
VIP Lounge
I am an ICICI Account Holder more than 10-15+ years and once also had a salaried account with them. I am a privilege account holder but didn't see my iScore until today. Updated my profile and latest salary details and got an iScore of 88 as this account only has spare money and doesn't use it. The only outflow is from my apay cc.
Currently I am only having 1L CL in ICICI Apay CC and no LTF Card upgrade offers.
What should I do for getting atleast good CL.

P.S. - My other cards with HDFC, Axis, IDFC, HSBC all have limits upwards of 5L


  1. As you have already updated profile , wait for 3 to 6 months
  2. Use start and stop technique in the usage of APAY CC
  3. upgrading to wealth or closing down the existing account and opening a new welath account..


TF Legend
This wont be reported as secured loan, generally.
Have you checked in CIBIL report?
Type of account mentioned in cibil is overdraft

There's no option of 'overdraft secured' in to dispute

But icici mentioned collateral details of fd.

So it will be considered as secured only.