I have a Young star policy of 10L
I took it when I was 28 y old. Now 30.
3 w back, I had to undergo a surgery for my shoulder labrum rupture repair, bicipetal tenodesis and corrective surgery for severe AC joint arthritis. All on right shoulder.
I opted for cashless claim. The entire bill came to 2.495 lakhs. Star sanctioned 2.13 lakh. Had to pay 36500 from hand. Under the remark section they noted 20600 was deducted from ortho implants due to lack of invoice provided by the hospital.
Hence, after the discharge, I got the implant invoice from the hospital store, and submitted at the Star health office for reimbursement, along with prehospital, post hospital and hospital wellness benefit.
After 1 week, they approved the prehopital and post hospital expenses amount of 2.3k against actual of 3.9k, again citing several deductions, and wellness benefit of 1000 per day for 3 days= 3000.
However they did not consider the reimbursement of the implant, despite attaching it's invoice, stating that I did not fill that particular part of the claim form.
Hence, raised a request to grievance redressal. Let's see how they reply.
Today recieved the mail from grievance dept, as follows.
"On review of your grievance, our medical panel has observed that the net claim amount was settled after deducting the charges towards non-payable items and consumables, as per the policy terms and conditions.
Please be assured that our decision is based on the terms and conditions of the policy and our claim settlement is in order.
In case you are not satisfied with this decision, please click here to refer your grievance to Insurance Ombudsman -
That is the status as of now..