This has been told many times on TF and you can always visit the Bank's website.
Here's the page for Speciale accounts, it doesn't state anywhere about 1% cashback or points, right? So it's not that. I repeat, IT'S NOT THE ACCOUNT TYPE. Now let me google the debit card for you:
This is the first result. This is the page for the EasyShop Platinum card, the base/plain variant. The first point below features is:
- Get 1 Cashback point on every ₹ 100 spent on Telecom, Utilities
This is the 1% that you are supposedly getting, which means the merchant has MCC of either of these two categories. It is clearly stated that this cashback is limited to Rs. 750/month, which means the annual capping will be 750 x 12 = Rs. 9,000.
And before you ask, there are 4 other *designs* of this card, just the color is different, for Vishesh/Classic/Preferred/Imperia banking customers. These carry the same rewards and same everything as the basic/plain variant of the ESP debit card.
Also note that this card is discontinued now, which means that these are no longer issued to new/existing customers. The existing ESP cards will continue to work until their expiry date and the rewards will also continue till then. Once expired, or even replaced via any other mode like Netbanking/app etc due to any reason, EasyShop Platinum will be replaced by just Platinum card.(notice the lack of the word "EasyShop") which is called as NEW Platinum card. This card and it's 4 *designs* (remember, only the color changes, everything else remains the same) are visible at:
The debit card section of HDFC's website