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Hdfc Bank Credit Card Card Limit Enhancement

Got a 30 percent LE on my Millennia. From 500000 to 650000. Used to get LE in 6 to 9 months. But there was no movement for more than 19 months. Saw suggestions that HDFC isn't giving LE for those who've got the Neu Cards. Have my Neu Infinity that is more than a year old, and the limit is shared. The current increase though, is only for Millennia.
I had to submit documents to upgrade & increase LE from 2 L to 5 L. Card is 1 year old only. Successfully upgraded 10 days back from neu plus to neu infinity & limit increased too. Sent documents by email & it took 15-20 days of follow up, showed spend on last 1 year & card closing request for them to consider.
Is your Tata neu plus infinity card LTF?