@TechnoFino, this is going to be a slightly long post, so please take a look whenever you're free.
There are several issues with the website:
Notification Issues: Sometimes we don’t receive notifications when someone
mentions us in a profile post or thread. This has happened multiple times, and I’m not sure what’s causing it. It seems to be hit-n-miss with the notifications.
I read most of the threads in the forum, and if I tag a mod in the post/thread and they don't receive a notification, what's the point of tagging them?
"What's New" Section:
This section doesn’t show any threads from the following categories:
General Discussions (Anything Other Than Finance)
Agent Section
Donate Your Voucher/Coupon Codes
I’ve reported this bug previously, and you mentioned you’d take a look, but the bug still exists. As I said earlier, it’s much more convenient to view threads in the “What’s New” section rather than visiting each category individually.
Emoji Bug: This is a particularly very frustrating bug. You are already aware of it, which only occurs in profile posts.
@#aniket and
@shrewdoc have mentioned this recently, and other members have also reported it in the past. Even in my own profile posts, I’ve had to react using "
like" emoji instead of using the "
🤣" or "

" reactions.
People are typing funny comments, and I’m just liking them.
It makes me seem like a psycho
Unwatch Thread Bug: We stop receiving notifications from threads even though we haven't clicked "
unwatch." I’m not the only one experiencing this bug.
@pikachu091003 and
@pinki can confirm it as well.